TV & Film
PBL is the ideal location for documentary, historical, forensic and media film work.
Based only a short distance from Bristol and London studios, PBL can offer a location for filming of a wide range of topics related to firearms, ballistics and impact amongst others. With a safe and secure indoors firing facility staffed by an innovative team, PBL is able to deliver on most filming challenges.
Where required PBL is also able to assist with videography and filming with the ability to run in-house videography, including high-speed videography up to 100,000 frames per second.
PBL’s climate controlled ballistic test range is equipped to conduct ballistic testing of firearms new and old. Debris launchers & gas guns can be used to launch everything from ice cubes to house bricks all in a safe and clean environment.
High volume filtered extraction ensures a clean, safe and dust free working environment, especially important when using sensitive optical and instrumentation equipment.
For larger scale explosive trials PBL is partnered with a number of locations around the UK and can manage destructive events of a wide range of types.
Services Offered:
- High speed videography & Lighting for up to and exceeding 100,000fps
- Secure & discrete firing facility for firing against novel targets, for firing of novel projectiles and for firing of complete weapons
- Trials management for explosive and destructive events
- Hosting of filming crews and equipment for duration of event
For up to date pricing and to book a PBL test click HERE. For general enquiries please use our contact form HERE, call us on +44 (0)1793 784250, Email on Enquiries@PrecisionBallistics.co.uk or for single sample and postal tests.
Postal customers are advised that all import, customs and transport costs are their responsibility. PBL reserves the right to refuse delivery of samples with outstanding charges to be cleared. Invoicing for tests is sent upon completion and must be cleared prior to release of results.